For more information about our community driven zoning process, and information for applicants, click here.
Proposed Zoning Changes
Alderwoman Clay’s office has created Development Principles that will help guide conversation and evaluation of zoning change proposals. Every proposal will have its own unique considerations, given location in the ward, economic realities, and other factors. However, Alderwoman Clay seeks to approve developments that prioritize the following:
Affordability (maximize number of affordable units, prioritizing on site)
Equity (inclusion of family size units, ADA accessible units, and housing stock that reflects the needs of our ward, opportunities to retain displaced residents)
Sustainability (sustainability features like water retention, energy efficiency, maximum public space and green space)
Preservation (complementary and compatible development with the surrounding neighborhood, construction processes that are respectful of neighbors and the environment, setbacks and heights appropriate to the area, diverse mix of housing styles that contributes to community’s architectural heritage)
Economic Development (opportunities for commercial development, small business development that reflects our Ward’s history of cultural vibrancy)
Development Principles
The following applications were submitted for a zoning map amendment to the 46th Ward office and have moved out of the internal review stage.
You can submit feedback for Alderwoman’s consideration here. On the form, select the proposed zoning change you would like to provide feedback on. Surveys are open for two weeks at a time, and if you have additional questions or comments, please reach out to our office at or 773-878-4646. Please subscribe to our newsletter for information about any further opportunities to share feedback on certain proposed developments.
Developments Approved During Prior Administration
For information about developments that were approved under former Alderman James Cappleman, please visit the former Alderman’s website:
Approval of two projects was currently pending during the transition from Ald. Cappleman to Ald. Clay:
3925 N. Clarendon – Zoning Change: Ald. Cappleman received and approved a proposal for an 18-unit, five story Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). This proposal would rezone 3925 N. Clarendon, currently an empty lot, from B3-2 to B2-3. This proposal was never approved through City Council. Ald. Clay’s office is currently awaiting information from the developer about plans to move forward.
4655-4657 N. Broadway – Zoning Change: Developer Wemi Properties LLC requested a zoning change from B3-2 to B2-5 in order to build on the existing two story building with 24 dwelling units above the retail spaces.The transfer of ownership never went through, this proposal is indefinitely paused. If a new developer has a proposal for this parcel, they will have to start at step one for Ald. Clay’s zoning process.
If you have questions about the status of developments approved under the prior administration, please contact